# Use a microscope ## Controlling the microscope The OpenFlexure Connect client software (included with [Raspbian-OpenFlexure](https://openflexure.org/downloads/#raspbian-openflexure) and available for [download](https://openflexure.org/downloads/#openflexure-connect)) is recommended for controlling the microscope. ### Installing the software To use the microscope, you will need to install the software on your Raspberry Pi. The recommended way to do this is with Raspbian-OpenFlexure. [These instructions](./installing-the-software.html) explain the process. ### Starting the microscope for the first time A guide to the first boot of the OpenFlexure Microscope can be found on the [OpenFlexure website](https://openflexure.org/projects/microscope/install#first-boot). ### Connecting to the microscope A guide on connecting to the microscope on the Raspberry Pi or from a different computer can be found on the [OpenFlexure website](https://openflexure.org/projects/microscope/control). ### Controlling the microscope from a Mac The process for installing OpenFlexure Connect from a Mac is slightly more complex, but if you follow these instructions it will work. 1. Clone the [openflexure-connect repository](https://gitlab.com/openflexure/openflexure-connect). 1. Open the `Terminal` app. 2. Type `git clone https://gitlab.com/openflexure/openflexure-connect.git`. (You may need to install developer tools to do this.) 2. Install `homebrew`. 1. Copy the command shown at the top of the [homebrew website](https://brew.sh/). 2. Paste it into the same `Terminal` app and follow the prompts. 3. Install `Node.js` and `NPM`. 1. In the same `Terminal` app type: `brew install node`. 2. Follow the prompts. 4. Install `openflexure-connect`. 1. In the same `Terminal` app type: `npm install` 2. Then type: `npm run electron:build` 5. Install the mac executable. 1. Locate the folder where the `openflexure-connect repository` was cloned to. (Most likely `~/openflexure-connect`) 2. In the folder that starts `/dist`, there will be a Mac Executable called `OpenFlexure Connect`. Click this to install the app as you would normally. 6. The app will be install in your `Applications` folder and will run exactly the same as the other systems. (To change the z-position: `PgUp` is `fn + up` and `PgDn` is `fn + down`) ## Using OpenFlexure eV When you first start using OpenFlexure Connect, you will be given a short tour of the software's features. If there is still something you are unclear about, then please [let us know](../ask-a-question/index.html). ### Shortcut keys There are some [shortcut keys](./shortcut-keys.html) which will speed up your operation of the OpenFlexure Microscope. ## Retrieving your micrographs The easiest way to access your micrographs for further processing is directly on the Raspberry Pi. The micrographs are usually stored in `/home/pi/openflexure/data/micrographs`, but if you have been using it for development, then they may be stored in `/var/openflexure/data/micrographs`. You can then use a USB memory stick to copy the images to another computer. Alternatively, if your microscope is connected to your main computer using an ethernet cable or WiFi, then you could use [SCP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_copy) to copy the images across. ## Functionality and extensions The OpenFlexure Microscope software comes with the most commonly required functionality built in. This includes tile scans, autofocus and a gallery to view the images. It is also possible to create additional functionality using [extensions](../develop-extensions/index.html). There is a [list of functionality and extensions](./functionality.html) for reference.